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Arnaldo Caprai Sagrantino

Montefalco Sagrantino: A Wine of Exceptional Character

A Historical Legacy

Montefalco Sagrantino is a deeply rooted wine with a rich history. Its origins can be traced back to an ancient vine that produced red grapes with exceptional characteristics. These grapes were prized for their ability to age beautifully and produce both long-aging wines and passito wines.

Marco Caprai's Vision

Marco Caprai, a visionary winemaker, recognized the immense potential of this ancient grape variety. He dedicated himself to recovering its traditional heritage while incorporating modern production techniques and business practices. Caprai's efforts played a pivotal role in the recognition and appreciation of Montefalco Sagrantino today.

DOC and DOCG Designation

The symbolic nature of Montefalco Sagrantino was officially recognized with the awarding of the DOC (Denominazione di Origine Controllata) on October 30, 1979. This designation affirmed the wine's unique characteristics and its specific geographical origin. The wine's exceptional quality was further confirmed with the award of the DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) on November 5, 1992. This prestigious designation placed Montefalco Sagrantino among the most exclusive and highly regarded wines in Italy.

Arnaldo Caprai 25 Anni Montefalco Sagrantino 2016

Arnaldo Caprai's 25 Anni Montefalco Sagrantino 2016 is a testament to the unwavering commitment to quality and innovation that has characterized the Caprai estate for decades. This flagship wine, created to mark the winery's 25th anniversary, showcases the richness, power, and voluptuousness of Montefalco Sagrantino. Its complexity is evident in its diverse range of aromas and flavors, from blackberry jam to rose potpourri, nutmeg to pepper, and mint to cocoa.


Montefalco Sagrantino is a wine that embodies the rich history and traditions of Umbria. Through the dedication of pioneering winemakers like Marco Caprai, this ancient grape variety has been revitalized and recognized as one of Italy's most exceptional wines. The Arnaldo Caprai 25 Anni Montefalco Sagrantino 2016 stands as a testament to the enduring passion and craftsmanship that have shaped the legacy of Montefalco Sagrantino.
